Honor Diaries documentary

Speaking of Comments…

CNN.com deleted mine.  Can you believe it?  Here I am, having a nice, friendly debate with someone over Obamacare’s success or lack thereof in my opinion and our discussion is gone.  Poof!  Never existed.  No unfriendly words were exchanged.  Nothing rude.  No one called the other stupid, incredibly stupid or Queen of the Land of Stupids.  He/She had her stance and I had mine.  I asked he/she to send some links so I can read about their talking points (because fairness can only exist when both sides are researched), he/she did and I managed to secure these links before the hand of CNN.com came down and wiped these comments away.  So much for freedom of speech.  I guess it’s only reserved for neo-nazis.

To Hops7363 – not sure if when I mentioned that I ran a blog that your curiosity got the better of you, but if it had, I want you to know that your comments and insight are always welcome here at Hairball.  If you are so inclined, even send me a guest blog post at letsplayhairball@gmail.com and we will be happy to post it.  You don’t have to agree with what we write here.  Give us your opinion, let’s hash it out and learn from each other.

That goes for everyone.  Different views are what makes the world go ’round.  Guest posts are encouraged!

As for you, CNN.com – you can’t delete what is written here.  Sorry that you found our comments to each other as threatening to your agenda.

In other news…

I found where I can watch Honor Diaries – a documentary about the atrocities towards Muslim women in the Middle East.  We will be purchasing it from iTunes next week as we have become increasingly curious about the supposed anti-Islam message it delivers, apparently powerful enough to warrant a cancellation of the screening at the University of Michigan, Dearborn.

If this documentary is going to promote Islamophobia, I vote to ban Schindler’s List because it may promote Germanophobia, 12 Years a Slave because it may promote Causcasionophobia, Amistad due to looming Europeanophobia and The Accused for it has been previously linked to Drunkasshorndogmanophobia.

Feminists, where are you now?  I realize that, in this country, my personal liberties have been strangled due to lack of employer coverage for my morning after pill by a religious group we can insult freely (Christians), but why is it when a man slices up a woman’s genitals and throws acid in her face, we must turn a blind eye to the violence and not offend a Muslim’s religious beliefs or practices? We’ll let these women live in fear with broken bones and dismembered faces caused by men, but wave our feminist flags because we love birth control!

CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations) not only missed the boat on this opportunity, but have stood back and fired rockets at it, cheering as it sank.  We agree that there is a certain degree of Islamophobia that exists in this country due to September 11, 2001 and other terrorist attacks.  It’s a shame that good-hearted Muslims in America are always linked to the extremist ones elsewhere in the world.  I imagine that you came to this country looking for a better life for you and your family.  Indeed, you needed to escape the brutalities of your homeland in order to nurture your inner voices and personal successes.  We salute you and the bravery you displayed in making the journey to a strange and, sometimes, unforgiving place.

What we won’t salute is how quickly you forget your roots and, where as you were fortunate enough to leave, many other women cannot and will never know anything but terror, bruises and permanent scars.  We haven’t seen the film yet, but we know it features nine incredibly strong women, fighting for their human rights in a nation that doesn’t want to hear it.  Rather than tolerating and making excuses for the negative and unforgivable, you should be embracing and celebrating the heroics of these women of Muslim faith for standing up for what they believe in despite the harshest of criticisms and physical abuse.

We say again, MUSLIM women.  The members of CAIR should try saying these words to themselves 50 times a day.  If their sympathies continue to be overshadowed by a reluctance to condemn this horror so as not to offend the thin-skinned cowards with whips and rocks, then we’re going to conclude that the only ones that are Islamophobic are the members of CAIR.

– the cats’ Mommy