Month: January 2014

Scratching Your Opponent’s Eyes Out – The Cornerstone of Journalism (Apparently)

The theory of being objective while writing a journalistic piece has long since been forgotten.  According to the concept of a journalist being objective with his or her work was never meant to smother personal interests or thoughts, but rather keep him or her in line with a strict format when reporting the news, mostly to provide a “transparent approach to evidence” so that the reader is not brainwashed by the writer’s own opinion.  The term objective is to apply to the method of how this evidence is gathered and reported and not the journalist’s bias.

In other words, if you’re going to write about Obamacare for a paper or online news source, get information from those that is has benefited as well as those who feel as though a knife has been jammed into their back by the administration.  Then gather some supporting information on both cases as to why these people are at such opposite ends of the pole regarding the benefits or lack thereof.  Your own beliefs in that everything going on is just typical start-up glitches and that we’ll soon all be rolling around in the green pasture that is the Affordable Care Act if we’d just learn some patience doesn’t matter.

Or become an opinion writer.

Cable news channels have pretty much declared themselves as editorials which they are.  Although they may throw in that they are fair and balanced, the underlying message still is that the programs you are about to see will either swing right or left.  That’s ok.  We have the power within our minds whether to choose to watch and read just one or broaden our minds and pick a couple from each side, consider what those sides have stated and make our decision based upon what makes the most sense to us and our situations.

But since when has donning the editorial cape and mask provided these television journalists with the right to slander?

MSNBC has once again found itself in the hot seat with its latest tweet about a Cheerios commercial featuring a bi-racial family: “Maybe the rightwing will hate it, but everyone else will go awww: the adorable new #Cheerios ad w/ biracial family”.

First off, let’s state what should be obvious to everyone and that is, as much as MSNBC may feel that this is a thumbs up to racial equality and acceptance, it is far from it.  In fact, they have just used every minority as pawns for their own agenda.  It basically says that they will be behind your woes of inequality as long as you don’t vote against what we believe.  This would actually be worse than if the tweet had actually been true which, of course, it is not.  The flood of conservative outrage complete with select images of rightwing bi-racial families should be enough evidence on that matter.

Needless to say, the cable news channel removed the offensive tweet and consulted its now dog-eared guidebook on ‘How to Apologize for Stupidity’ so the latest one can now be delivered this time by MSNBC president Phil Griffin.  A tweet also appeared on MSNBC’s feed stating that the offensive remark “does not reflect the position of MSNBC”.

Maybe the distasteful tweet doesn’t represent their position, but the hostility behind it surely does.  This has not been a random oops by MSNBC.  It is one of a series, ranging from bigoted remarks against the Romney family to suggesting cruel and downright nauseating punishment for Sarah Palin.  And while they continue to slam anyone who has a conservative bone within them, claiming they are racist, woman-haters that want to leave all the poor out in the cold to die from hypothermia, they really need to stop and think about who the true bigots are here.  The term does not only apply to race.  Yes, we are reaching for the dictionary once more and Webster’s includes the following for a definition of bigot: a person who strongly and unfairly likes other people, ideas, etc.

Ideas such as the current president may not be the cure-all he’s been trying to portray himself as for the past five years is shared amongst many these days.  MSNBC may not agree with the conservative stance when it comes to the current administration, but they should counteract with facts that can ease these doubts with reasons to have faith.  Instead, they apparently go for the striking fear approach, accompanied by a plethora of rumors…

Hey, did you know that Republicans will be gathering for their annual “Kicking the Senior in the Stomach” benefit to raise money for the Ku Klux Klan next month?

Here’s an idea.  Let’s report, Facebook or Tweet things that don’t have to be apologized for later.  This goes out to all news channels, including Fox News which has been cited for using an image of Mrs. Doubtfire on a report referencing transgenderism and a trio of ignorant panelists belittling the Wiccan religion, linking its followers to a game of Dungeons and Dragons and commenting that it’s difficult to have respect for religion whose main holiday celebration is Halloween.

For the record, it’s Samhain, not Halloween, and it marks the end of the harvest season.

Bill O’Reilly has stated that more crimes are committed by blacks than whites and has spent a good deal of time having to explain himself over and over again to his non-viewers.

Fox News can still claim ignorance to their faux pas (not many understand the Wiccan faith and still think the devil has something to do with witchcraft).  A good slap on the wrist with a reminder to do research before opening their mouths should nip that problem in the bud.  If you listen to O’Reilly’s entire segment, you would see that he is trying to seek a solution to the inequality that stems from growing up in an impoverished environment.

But there is nothing ignorant about cold-hearted slander, nor are there any excuses to offer.  The apologies are becoming tiresome so let’s give MSNBC staff its own assignment.  Look up the word editorial and point out where it lists ‘asshole-like behavior’ as a possible definition.

Oh, it doesn’t?  All the more reason then to stop being assholes and try being journalists.

Summary of Gender Inequality Only Seems to be 77% Complete

Pay equality for women was brought up during last night’s State of the Union Address surely as it’s been brought up during the 49 that happened before it.  Since the Equal Pay Act was signed into law by former President John F. Kennedy, the fairer sex does not feel it’s seen as much progress as it should have by now.

That’s probably why there’s also the Paycheck Fairness Act being proposed and the Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, which was signed into law by President Obama in January of 2009.

How many acts, laws and bills does it take fix this if it’s truly what’s going on?

President Obama said that it’s time to put an end to this loophole and, maybe one day, he’ll even do it.  For now, though, wrap yourself in the warmth of his blanket of broken promises and hope for a sweet dream to come true.  After all, his own staff has its own inequality in pay, averaging a pay difference of 18% between men and women according to a 2011 annual report on White House Staff.  Obama’s posse is quick to defend their leader, stating that he has no control over the salaries of his staff.

That doesn’t give much hope to him developing control over the rest of our salaries.  But, it’s probably safe to accept at this point that this president rarely ever leads by example.

According to Census Bureau Data in 2013, earnings for a woman still hovered at $0.77 for every dollar a man earned.  It is easy to see this as a very black and white situation.  One’s a man, the other’s a woman and they’re both working client service jobs.  The man is making more and the woman is making less and it’s got to be gender inequality, right?  Maybe.

And it would be a pretty hefty difference, too.  It would be a difference of $8164.00 per year if the man was making $17.00 per hour.

Unfortunately, a poll, survey or summary such as this cannot be viewed as the total fact.  The loopholes may not be within the level of pay, but in the manner that the data is collected.

1)      What are the lengths of time each person has spent at his/her position?

2)      What is the person’s education level?

3)      What is the person’s past job experience?

4)      How do the man and woman’s attendance records compare?

5)      What is the quality of work like?

6)      How is their overall behavior at work?  Does each person try their best, take opportunities to go above and beyond and make it a point to work well with everyone?

Without these questions answered, there is no other way to accurately determine that both John and Melissa – hired on the same date, each with three years prior experience and only three call-outs during the past year – are receiving equal pay for equal work.

If Melissa has two little children and has had to leave early or not come in on several occasions during the past month to tend to them, but John has never missed a minute of work, that’s hardly equal work for equal pay.  And, yes, we realize that children are important and cannot be left alone with the TV set as a babysitter, but these types of special circumstances cannot be used as handicaps when trying to determine a pay rate that’s fair.  Not because we want to punish the working mother, but because of the simple fact that she is not there to complete the same amount of work that John is.  With each absenteeism, her work was most likely passed onto John so it would get done in time.

How is that an equal contribution by both?

Call us crazy, but it’s still job performance that warrants the raise, right?  Not how much you enjoy working there and you would love to work the mandatory overtime this weekend… but you’ve got kids.

Make sure you wave to everyone still at their desks as you exit the building on Friday evening.  Too bad they don’t have kids to take to karate lessons and a birthday party this weekend like you do.  They have overtime and a possible mark on their review if they don’t show up for it.  You’ll be called a mother.  They’ll be called anything but team players.

Sorry working moms.  The writers here are giving you a standing ovation right now that you can’t see.  Being a parent is the toughest job in the world and not many can balance it with full time work as well.  But the company that you work for is not required to consider both positions that you hold when it comes to your pay rate and, if your family requires that you not stay past 5:00 pm, then you are not equal with the ones who do all the time.

The State of Opportunity


Webster’s Dictionary offers three definitions: an amount of time or situation in which something can be done; a favorable junction of circumstances; a good chance for advancement or progress

The definition of opportunity was beautifully used during former President Kennedy’s now infamous inaugural speech “ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country”.

Without a doubt, President Obama’s State of the Union address will be peppered with the boasts of opportunity that he is about to shower upon the country, but it will most likely reflect anything close to what Kennedy had suggested.  If anything, it will be more along the lines of “ask not what you can do for your country, ask what your country can do for you”.

No blind eye has ever been turned to the misery and sufferings of the American people by either Democrats or Republicans, but it does seem that a good number of people have done that towards a finding a realistic solution.  The battle has not been economical in nature nor even political in a sense.  It is emotional and it is about jealousy.  It is about what some feel they are owed in life and about how unfair it is that some are born into a pot of gold while others don’t have a pot to piss in.  Too many people are tired of fighting, tired of sending out 100 resumes a month and tired of pathetic pay when one eventually gets read by a potential employer.

But a higher tax on the rich to pay for pre-K programs?  Please explain to us how that’s going to solve anyone’s financial problems today?  Actually, first send us a list of your happiest pre-K memories and how they’ve impacted your life today.

Oh, that’s right.  You probably don’t have anything more than fuzzy images from age four.

Our walnut-sized minds may be perceived by the humans around us as containing nothing more than recurring images of food, mice and a series of meows and chirrups, but how much of a brain does it take to do the simplest of math?  If corporations are taxed more, more jobs will go overseas and record numbers of layoffs will continue here in the US.  Yes, many jobs have already sailed for exotic ports, but how will higher taxes encourage them to come back?

Tax the independently wealthy or the small business owners because life has not been as fortunate for you?  Should their wealth be distributed amongst all of us?

Margaret Thatcher said it best.  “The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people’s money.”

If you don’t believe that, let’s talk about the overwhelming success that this country’s social security and pension plans have been and continue to be.  But, hey, at least the goal of removing financial inequality will finally be reached.  We’ll all be just as poor as the next guy.

Spreading the wealth is not an opportunity, it’s NyQuil for your bank account and nothing more.  It will briefly make the symptoms go away, but the underlying issue will always return.  And what does that package of NyQuil say in small letters?  Is it something along the lines of not using the product for more than five days if symptoms persist?

Surviving on government handouts should be warned against the same way. 

When a non-profit is reaching out to corporations for money (yes, those bastard companies actually contribute a lot to organizations and charities as it is), the proposal letter does not ever say “we have a great idea, wanna donate?”  What it actually will contain within the body is an explanation of who the non-profit is, what they are about, how long they’ve been around, a THOROUGH explanation of how the company’s generous donation will benefit those the charity stands for and may even offer a thank you gift.

If you are receiving benefits from the government, make a business plan.  Who are you, what are you about, how will you use these benefits to obtain your goal and then promise a gift.  The gift should be that you’ve risen from the point of no return.  You were about to give up, but didn’t.  You’ve achieved more than you ever saw in yourself.

The wealthy do not owe you anything, but you do owe yourself that gift.

Do We Ever Retract Our Claws?

Let’s play hairball!

So we are currently on a hunger strike.  Mommy let a lot of things slip her mind this week, most annoyingly that we’ve run out of our canned food and she actually tried to appease us with some boring old dry food.

Sorry about the scratches, Mommy, but the bleeding should stop soon and neither of us went deep enough to give you any lasting scars. 

So we may be demanding, spoiled brat cats, but despite our physical objection to the cuisine, we could tell something was on her mind.  If we are all truly friends, we should put our wanton actions on hold and find out what’s going on, right?

It started with a picture on Facebook featuring homemade pretzels, one of which had been shaped like a swastika due to leftover dough and unbridled creativity.  No harm was meant, of course.  The girl behind the scandalous baking does not hold a secret admiration for Hitler and his handiwork during the 1930’s and 1940’s.  Mostly likely, it was meant to be a joke, but another “friend” found it rather offensive.  Scarier still, the offended “friend” was not understood by others and had even been bullied in this feline’s opinion to get over it because the terror of the third Reich had only lasted a few years so what’s the big deal?

A couple of days later, while watching an episode of Fox New’s Red Eye, a new app was discussed that allowed the bullied to discreetly report their offenders to a teacher, guidance counselor or other person of authority.  While some discussed it professionally, others made the suggestion that kids just need to learn to deal with being bullied as a fact of life.  Sitting silently, although the storm in his mind was clearly forming, was regular Red Eye co-host Andy Levy.  He didn’t enter the conversation except to sarcastically state that, one day, we’ll all look back on the days when kids committed suicide over bullying and smile.  Or something of that nature.  Mommy wasn’t taking notes for us.

Whatever his exact words were, it didn’t take a psychologist to read that Levy was upset over the tone of the discussion.

Bullying is often regarded as an unfortunate childhood milestone that some experience, although its severe impact on a young person’s life seems to finally be getting the recognition that it needs.  It has grown from the in-school torments of yesteryear, such as getting pushed into a locker or your books being slammed to the ground, to a 24-7 attack that continues long after the final bell rings thanks to social media and text messaging.  In some cases, the victims’s only encouragement from his or her peers is that he or she should just hang themselves in the closet – an act that, if eventually followed, has been met by cheers and claims to responsibility.

The parents of the victims want justice.  The parents of the bullies want you to understand their children and excuse their behavior.


Is this increase of the heinousness of bullying due to kids just being kids or the fact that we, as a society, are becoming less sensitive to what we should be?  You are expected to be able to get over things very quickly and, if you can’t, here’s a pill to help you along your way.  Has anyone else noticed that there are more commercials today advertising disorders and their pharmaceutical solution for your children rather than ones for toys?

Ritalin with an Intuiv chaser makes an excellent stocking stuffer.

The sad part is that bullying never really ends as one grows older.  No one really ever wants to retract their claws so they just change the format of delivery.  It just comes in spurts, draped in a college degree and covered in regurgitated cable news talking points.  The healthy debate between two friends is dying as the only way to get someone to see your side is to let them know how stupid they are to think otherwise.  Mommy herself tends to keep her viewership of certain shows on the Fox News Channel under her hat even though she also reads CNN because the fight just isn’t worth it.  She won’t even bring up the fact that those who would mock her have probably never watched more than five minutes of a program on Fox News, but continue to belittle it because the rumor is that it’s all Republican, all the time.

Kind of like how bullies never take the time to know the child they’re picking on.

Or how a girl was told to get over a Nazi symbol of hate and murder being baked into a delicious, salty treat rather than asked why it bothered her so much. 

Or how atheists have apparently waged war on those who believe in God, suggesting that they’re idiots for doing so instead of taking the time to find where their faith comes from.

So… a refresher on how Rodney King once plead for you to all get along?  Bullshit.  You’re just not.  You’re not meant to hold hands around the world and greet everyone with a smile and a warm hug.  Certain people will compliment your personality and you will develop relationships with them.  Others, for whatever reason, may just seem to piss you off.  Is ridicule the only way to handle their existence?

That’s where the real hypocrisy lies, isn’t it?  The nerd should learn to deal with being hammered with insults and assorted physical ordeals because the bully can’t be expected to deal with him or her being around.  The nerd is the one with a problem and should be medicated, but the bully is just bored and pressured by peers.

And just being a kid, of course.

Levy’s face during the bully conversation fortunately said enough since he chose to remain silent for the rest of the show.  Was he a victim of bullying or perhaps close to someone who was/is?  He never said, but he was right to stay quiet.  Seeing how certain other panelists were that night, he probably would have been bullied.

When Fat Cats Ruled the Earth

Should the rich be taxed more than they already are?  God knows my mom could use the extra cash.  We’ve been playing with the same toys for nearly four years not to mention the kitty condo has been ripped to shreds.  Unless Mom wants me to sharpen up on her furniture, it’s time to place that order for a new gym.  Of course, she can’t afford the massive one we want at the moment, but maybe this is exactly why the wealthy need to chip in.  Don’t we deserve the supercool cat gym expanding over five feet in length with three individual sleeping stations, a hammock, ladders and a little furry dangly thing for entertainment?

When people think wealthy, they automatically envision the corporate fat cats.  Those P’s, VP’s (and other positions so cool they only need by identified by initials) that are sitting in their decked-out offices, puffing on cigars while holding daily meetings to discuss increasing the level of work for the scum below.  Once a way is determined how to explain to the average joe why they must further commit themselves for not a penny more, the evil laughter of the corporation devils echoes throughout the penthouse hallways adorned in the finest of art and tapestries and the fat cats withdraw from your bonus check so they may reward themselves for your hard work with a round of golf and a couple of beers.

Is this really the way it is?  Maybe.  Who knows what goes on at the upper level?  Right now, it’s almost an urban legend for ‘round the campfire time.  Regardless, those on the associate level are not imagining dwindling bonuses and a salary on a three-year freeze due to the economic situation.  Mind you, these tough times never seem to affect a VP’s annual $100K “talent” retainer.

Will higher taxes on the rich put an end to this inequality and frustration of the working class hero?   Probably not.  Perhaps a stronger profit sharing program is in order, but these people will not see a cent of a potential tax increase and, therefore, are more likely to stay victims of inequality.

All concepts of the CEO ogre put aside, we are viciously attacking those who have become successful in their lives with a stern “how dare you” and “give me” because others do not seem themselves as being so lucky.  Ask yourselves, though, is it truly just an unfair hand in life or are we also lacking a level of dedication as well?

Whereas we may think we are only rallying against the corporate fat cats, a higher tax on the rich will severely impact the small business owner.  Should these entrepreneurs have ignored their dreams and not made the sacrifices, taken on the debts and worry because, as much as we may enjoy the product, it angers us that they thought of it first? 

Through no shortage of blood, sweat and tears the small business owner has emotionally and physically drained himself and those around him for years before his company could be considered a success if it even made it that far.  Once this goal has been reached, the small business owner may choose to reward his efforts with a nice home, a fancy car or a yacht if that’s his thing.  If placed in the same situation, we’d all do the exact same thing.

So why then are we spitting on his Mercedes?

The small business owner, whether creating a brewery, a restaurant or overseeing his own HVAC business, should be a source of inspiration, not jealousy.  He certainly doesn’t owe us an allowance as we didn’t loan him the money to start.  We didn’t give up a weekend to pitch in.  We certainly weren’t there for the 3:00 am phone call when he needed reassurance.  

Unfortunately, this is what life is and I am not denying that it sucks.  Some fall out of bed onto a rainbow and others will fight, kick and scream with little advancement.  In between, though, there is the person that didn’t give up or take no for an answer.  If a higher tax on the wealthy is imposed, this is the person who’s going to pay for it the most and you should consider that when you step into the brick and mortar animal boutique for a distinct collection of treats and toys for your furry friend.  Instead  of crying about how unfair life is, think about what you could do to get yourself to a similar state.

I know my Mom does.

Enough with the Sherman Conspiracy


We don’t like football.  In fact we’re rather grateful that it’s almost over and that we’ll be able to concentrate on baseball soon – America’s past time.  Also, it’s much more amusing to a cat than football.  Those aerial shots of the base runners darting around the diamond are great.  The commercial breaks every thirty seconds in football?  Screw that – I’ve  got some digging in my crotch to do that’s ten times more interesting.

But, as luck would have it, a football player apparently did something that was less than couth and now we have to hear about it nonstop as if the world just ended because an overexcited football player shouted into a microphone following a big win and a push in the face by a sour grapes 49er’s player.

Big deal.

Do you know what is a big deal?  A former Falcons player who ran an illegal dog fighting ring on his property and used upbringing as an excuse for his actions.  He was exposed to it as a child, therefore his slamming a losing dog onto the ground repeatedly until its poor, broken body inevitably gave in to the abuse is perfectly understandable.  As is hanging dogs from trees or drowning them in buckets of water.  Or how about how my kind along with bunnies, puppies and other weaker animals were either thrown into a ring or dangled above it from a stick while steroid-juiced dogs ripped us to shreds.  Yeah, that just put man and beast into the right mood for a vicious battle between two brainwashed pit bulls.  Still, he had been exposed to it as a child so how would this grown man know that watching defenseless cats being torn apart is not a healthy, normal way to spend your afternoons?

But that’s the way it goes.  America blames the dogs – the only ones that have any right to claim they didn’t know any better – and a less than perfect upbringing.  He served his time and joined the ranks of the Humane Society to voice how bad dog fighting is… especially when you get caught and it almost costs you your career.  Everything’s cool now.  Welcome back to the millionaire’s club!

And, animal lovers, you really need to shut up and get over it.

Just don’t ever shout into a microphone.  Don’t be proud of your actions on the field.  If you do that, you’re a thug.  You are the one who needs to repeatedly explain yourself over and over again until our ears bleed.

Should have abused animals all the while maintaining an indoor voice, Richard Sherman. We’d be so over it by now.